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Perio for Resto Camp, 3th edition 🇷🇴 🇬🇧

21 iulie 2018
22 iulie 2018 [întreaga zi]
Sat Dârja, jud. Cluj   Vezi hartă
Română 🇷🇴, English 🇬🇧

546,22 lei (TVA inclus)

Perio for Resto Camp will mix academic activities with rural experiences.

2 locuri




Day 1: Management of the Severely Decayed Tooth

Day 2: Biologic Shaping from a Restorative Perspective

Vasile Cirimpei 🇲🇩 MD • Facebook

Dr. Vasile Cirimpei este absolvent al UMF “Nicolae Testemițanu” din Chișinău. A urmat rezidențiatul la aceeași facultate si apoi din 2012 a doctoratul axat pe parodontologie și stomatologia restaurativă. Este membru EADPH (European Asociation of Dental Public Health) si autor a peste 30 de articole publicate în reviste de specialitate nationale si internationale, precum și cea mai populară revistă din Statele Unite (DentalTown). Dr. Vasile Cirimpei sustine zeci de cursuri anual atat in Europa cat si in tari din alte continente, impartasind din experienta sa clinica remarcabila, dar, in acelasi timp are o prezenta intensa si larg apreciata in mediul online pe grupurile internationale dedicate stomatologilor (Style Italiano, Tomorrow Tooth). Este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti lectori in paro-protetica si promotori ai conceptului “Vertiprep”

Mircea Mureşan 🇷🇴 RO • Facebook

Dr. Mircea Mureşan este un medic pasionat cu o vasta experienta in activitatea clinica specializat in rezolvarea cazurilor limita care impun interventii de chirurgie parodontala in vederea restaurarilor directe si indirecte. Dr. Mircea Muresan sustine cursuri si workshopuri postuniversitare adresate medicilor dentisti avand si o vasta experienta didactica pe langa cea clinica. Dr. Muresan este absolvent a Facultatii de Medicina Dentara – Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie “Iuliu Hatieganu” din Cluj Napoca. A obtinut titlul de medic specialist in parodontologie in urma unei specializari de 3 ani in cadrul rezidentiatului Facultatii de Medicina Dentara Cluj Napoca, perioada in care a urmat cursuri de terapie si chirurgie parodontala atat in tara cat si in strainatate sub indrumarea unor nume de prestigiu ale parodontologiei mondiale.

Detalii eveniment

Welcome to Perio for Resto Camp!  We are happy to propose you a different way to develop your professional skills and to meet your colleagues and lecturers. Perio for Resto Camp will mix academic activities with rural experiences in Darja, the home village of Iuliu Hatieganu, founder of the Romanian Medical School in Cluj Napoca.


This course with hands-on training is right for you if you want to learn about best practices in periodontal procedures needed prior to restorative treatments. Lecturers will provide you theoretical knowledge and practical skills to identify clinical cases, choose best solution, integrate periodontal procedures in your restorative treatment plan.

Day 1: Management of the Severely Decayed Tooth

  • Reestablishing the Biologic Width-  Deep Margin Acquisition/Deep Margin Elevation
  • Regeneration of Ferrule Efect -Partial Extraction Technique (PET)
  • Regeneration of Ferrule Efect – Surgical Crown Lengthening (SCL)
  • Integrating The White in the Pink (Zenits,Papilae,Embrasures)

Day 2: Biologic Shaping from a Restorative Perspective

  • Emergence Profile, Perioprosthesis, Deflection
  • Biologically Oriented Preparation Technique (BOPT)
  • Knife Edge/Vertiprep/Zontiprep/EtruscanPrep
  • Autogenous Tooth Transplantation: an alternative to dental implant placement

At the end of the course you would be able to understand and have the sufficient clinical knowledge to:

  • perform a surgical crown lengthening (SCL),  also what might be an alternative to avoid this procedure.
  • choose in what cases surgical extrusion is more indicated than SCL.
  • understand how can we comply the periodontal tissues for a further restorative complex treatment, one which will not generate periodontal disturbances like gingival recesion.
  • manipulate clinical parameters like papila for a better or superior esthetic outcome. The migth and resurection of Knife Edge – or why the shoulders are not clinically acceptable,
  • comply the periodontal tissues, and why a knife edge is much more long lasting than a shoulder

The fee includes: all courses and hands-on, camp bag, all meals and coffee breaks, social events. (Please note that the prices for this camp do not include accommodation).

Last year Perio camp after movie: