Cluj-Napoca, Romania
June 26-28
Microscope Master Restorative
Learn from Experts in Restorations & Microscope Dentistry
3-Day Intensive Course Description
This 3-days intensive program is designed to offer you a complete working recipe for quick and efficient restorative procedures on anterior and posterior teeth using the magnification provided by the Dental Operating Microscope and dental loupes. The study program of the course is structured in short theoretical presentations followed by a practical part so that the participants have the opportunity to practice more the new working techniques.
This reference course is structured following the expertise accumulated by our lecturers for over 10 years in direct restorations and, respectively, clinical work under the Dental Operator Microscope. Because we earn our living from restorative dentistry and want to offer patients top quality treatments, we have developed over the years an efficient way of working in terms of working time, equipment, based on scientific evidence and clear and honest communication with patients.
The profile of our trainee is represented by the dentist who wants to put together the information that will allow him to carry out a clinical practice in a well-organized office, with assistance and work at 4 hands with the help of the operating microscope, to carry out his practice based on the rigor represented by the implementation of working protocols outlined around access and improving visibility.
He can be the dentist at the beginning of his career and who wants to specialize in restorative dentistry under the microscope, but also the dentist with clinical experience who has not yet worked with the magnification offered by the dental operating microscope.
This course is not an exhaustive recapitulation of the theoretical information acquired in faculty or widely spread in specialized books, so it does not aim to replace individual study and critical thinking. This course does not offer miracle solutions and does not replace the hours of clinical work necessary to acquire clinical experience and practical skills.
We consider that a course made on plastic teeth held in the hand or placed on a table does not always have the possibility to achieve all the educational objectives because it is far from the clinical reality. This is the reason why the philosophy of the Microscope Master course focuses on replicating the clinical situation as close as possible to reality during the training.
Am rămas foarte mulțumită de acest curs, a fost chiar peste așteptările mele. Am primit o mulțime de tips and tricks care chiar vor fi utile în lucrul de zi cu zi, iar cel mai important a fost ca punerea în practică a informației a constat 70%.
Echipa de profesori a fost superbă, toti foarte friendly si cu vibe bun! 🫶🏼 si organizarea la fel a fost la nivel, începând cu materiale si terminând cu pauzele de masa.
Ma întorc acasă inspirată si nerăbdătoare să încep să lucrez cu microscopul, mulțumesc echipa Mb Dental!
La finalul acestor 3 zile as vrea sa va multumesc pentru informatia pe care ati impartasit-o cu noi. Ati reusit sa punctati foarte multe probleme care apar in practica de zi cu zi si ma bucur ca am facut parte din aceasta experienta. Felicitari!
Course Design
The classes will start daily at 9 in the morning and will last until 5.30 in the afternoon, with a one-hour lunch break.
For certain exercises, participants will work in teams, dentist-assistant, both for learning the ergonomics of 4 handed dentistry and for understanding the difficulties of the dental assistant, for further training.
For other exercises you will work individually to maximize the efficiency of the working time available for each participant.
Day 1 – Microscope, ergonomics, indirect vision, working protocol – Stefan Jitaru & Marius Bud
The first day of the course will be dedicated to getting used to working under the microscope and in indirect vision, ergonomics, instrument exchange and coordination in the medical assistant team. All these rules apply regardless of the restorative treatment carried out and is the starting point for achieving good results, respecting a time limit and taking care of individual musculoskeletal health. For the course, each participant uses upright teeth on dental arches in patient simulators and training dental units. We consider that a course made on plastic teeth held in the hand or placed on a table does not always have the possibility to achieve all the educational objectives because it is far from the clinical reality. This is the reason why the philosophy of the Microscope Master course focuses on replicating the clinical situation as close as possible to reality even during the training by working on the teeth in their natural positions in the oral cavity of the mannequin and the head position similar to that of the patients.
Microscope, ergonomics, indirect vision, working protocol- Stefan Jitaru & Marius Bud
Live-op in dental office: direct restoration using the Dental Operator Microscope
Theoretical part:
Presentation of the operating microscope and image adjustment
Description of the ergonomics of working with four hands
Organization of the dental practice in order to develop a fluid practice
Photo-video documentation using the operating microscope
Workshop on organizing the dental office and choosing the operating microscope
Patient positioning exercises (phantom) and microscope
Exercises for the transfer of instruments in the team – medical assistant
Adjustment exercises of the operating microscope
Work exercises in the mirror
Microscope photography exercises
Exercises for spotting work surfaces and positioning the mirror and handpieces
Coronary cavity preparation exercises
Day 2 – Anteriors: Diastema Closure Restoration, Crown Fracture Restoration, Direct Veneer – Bora Korkut
The second day of the course is held by Dr. Bora Korkut, university senior lecturer at Marmara University in Istanbul. Having a long and rich clinical and didactic experience, Dr. Bora Korkut has selected the most important theoretical knowledge and clinical working protocols that you must master in order to successfully solve any direct aesthetic restoration in the anterior teeth area. You will practice together the restoration of a fourth class cavity using the technique of anatomical layering but also simplified layering using the Dental Operating Microscope. A special exercise will be dedicated to finishing, polishing and making the surface texture of the restoration. Each participant will complete the closure of a diastema, a clinical situation that we encounter quite frequently in the office. Because we want to be fast and predictable, we will learn and practice together how to prepare a transparent splint for direct veneer through the injection moulding technique, going through the work protocol step by step
Anteriors: Diastema Closure Restoration, Crown Fracture Restoration, Direct Veneer- Bora Korkut
Theoretical part:
Treatment planning and indications of for Anterior Composite Restorations
Pre-restorative approaches
Material and instrument selection
Shade Selection and field isolation
Preparation and beveling
Adhesion Protocol
Monochromatic Layering for Diastema Closure Restorations
Polychromatic Layering for Crown Fracture Restorations. Class IV
Simplified Layering for class IV
Direct Veneers with Injection Moulding and iVeneer techniques
Finishing & Polishing
Surface Texturing
Day 3 – Posteriors: Techniques and recipes for Restoring the contact points, the occlusal anatomy, class I and Class II - Marius Bud
The third day of the course will be dedicated to direct restorations in the posterior area and will be held by Dr. Marius Bud, senior lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dr. Marius Bud will practice with each participant the installation of several types of frequently used sectoral matrixes, the restoration of second-class cavities in order to apply the centripetal technique. The vision of the course is to practice several techniques because in order to be able to solve all cases, any dentist must master several techniques in order to be able to choose the most suitable one for each case. Thus, each participant will practice the centripetal technique based on the use of several types of matrices, several types of materials, several types of stratification, several techniques for modeling the occlusal morphology. In addition to the known techniques that you will perform under the microscope, you will also practice new techniques that are faster and easy to replicate for each patient, both for the restoration of first-class and second-class cavities.
Posteriors: Techniques and recipes for Restoring the contact points, the occlusal anatomy, class I and Class II – Marius Bud
Theoretical part:
Cavities preparation and subgingival management
Direct proximal wall restoration using centripetal techniques.
Types of materials used for posterior restorations and layering strategies
Modelling techniques: Successive cusp technique, Symmetric cusp technique, Simultaneous cusp technique, Stamp technique, Essential lines technique, Bilaminar technique
Injection moulding working protocol for posterior teeth
Installation of four types of Sectoral Matrices for posterior teeth: Palodent-V3; Classic TOR-VM, saddle TOR-VM, Garrison
Oblique centripetal technique
Centripetal-snowplow technique
The centripetal technique of the marginal ridge using the bulk method
Occlusal modeling using the „simultaneous cusps” technique, „Essential Lines” technique, successive technique of „symmetric cusps”
Injection moulding
The course takes place at the Transylvania Microscope Dentistry Training Center within the Mb Dental clinic in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This training center is equipped with working simulators (phantoms) of the dental unit, dental operating microscopes and dental loupes.
Program details
Participants will receive a certification of attendance. Course will be in Romanian (Marius Bud, Ștefan Jitaru) and English (Bora Korkut).
Limited seats available. Grab your place as soon as possible!
Price: 1400 EUR
You’ll receive an email with the invoice and all details for payment.
Fee includes:
- 3 days course
- Lunch
- Coffee Breaks
- Documentation
- Attendance Certificate
Fee does not include: accommodation, transportation, other meals.
Refund policy
The deposit or balance fees will not be refunded under any circumstances, but another course can be chosen within the following 12 months.
Fill this form to book the course or to ask questions
He was born in 1984, İzmir / TURKEY. He graduated from Marmara University Dentistry in 2008 and started the career as a dentist. He defended the doctorate thesis ‘The assessment of dimensional alterations of worn incisors in different time periods’ in Marmara University, Dentistry Faculty, Restorative Department in 2015 and got ‘PhD’ degree, also ‘Restorative Dentistry Specialist’ title. He has been working as an ‘Asisstant Professor’ in Marmara University, Dentistry Faculty, Department of Restorative Dentistry since 2009. He has many international and national researches and publications about direct aesthetic restorations, tooth wear and early diagnosis of caries lesions. He has given many international and national lectures and courses about ‘Direct Anterior and Posterior Aesthetic Restorations’, ‘Dental Photography’ and ‘Tooth Bleaching’ since 2012.
Dr. Marius Bud este absolvent al Facultăţii de Stomatologie din Cluj-Napoca, promoţia 2002. A urmat un masterat (UMF Cluj-Napoca) iar în 2008 şi-a susţinut doctoratul în ştiinţe medicale. A facut stagii de cercetare la Universitatile din Leuven (Belgia), Amsterdam si Paris. Din anul 2009 lucreaza in cadrul departamentului de odontologie conservativa a UMF Cluj unde coordoneaza cercul stiintific studentesc de stomatologie restaurativa, sustine un curs optional de magnificatie pentru restaurari directe adresat studentilor de an 4 linia romana, precum si cursul de resturari directe pentru studentii de anul 5 linia engleza. Este autor si coautor la mai multe carti si articole publicate in reviste internationale. Anual dr. Marius Bud sustine zeci de prezentari si workshopuri de stomatologie restaurativa (restaurari directe) si imagistica digitala/CBCT adresate medicilor in tara dar si in strainatate (China, Suedia, Belgia, Portugalia etc).
Dr. Marius Bud este din 2016 lider de opinie pentru Dentsply Sirona fiind trainer pentru workshopuri si lector pentru prezentari axate pe compozite, tehnici de restaurare directa si matrici sectoriale Palodent.
Dr. Marius Bud isi desfasoara activitatea profesionala in cadrul clinicii MB Dental Cluj-Napoca aplicand conceptul de “microscope dentistry” si pentru tratamentele restaurative (obturatii, protetica), fiind unul dintre pionierii realizarii restaurarilor directe sub control microscopic.
Dr. Ştefan Jitaru este absolvent al Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie “Iuliu Haţieganu” promoţia 2010 iar din 2011 a început rezidenţiatul în endodonţie în cadrul Facultăţii de Medicină Dentară Cluj-Napoca. Din 2011 Dr. Ștefan Jitaru și-a limitat practica la endodonție, fiind printre primii medici care au folosit microscopul operator dentar în practica endodontică. Întreaga sa viziune profesională este ghidată de creșterea standardelor clinice și educaționale, fiind unul dintre cei mai activi promotori romani ai utilizării magnificatiei în rândul medicilor stomatologi. Astfel, în anul 2015 a fondat comunitatea online, “Endo Focus” și de atunci este amfitrionul Endo Update cel mai mare eveniment de endodonție din Cluj Napoca (
Dr. Ștefan Jitaru este din 2015 lector şi trainer pentru cursuri postuniversitare în țară și străinătate vizând prepararea canalelor radiculare, ergonomia şi tratamentul la microscop, abordarea cazurilor cu perforaţii, ace fracturate, canale calcificate, fracturi radiculare. În anul 2017, Dr. Ștefan Jitaru a fost unul dintre cofondatorii „Centrului de trainining în microscopia stomatologică”, un hub educațional unic în Ardeal, unde împreună cu Mb Dental Institute oferă cursuri medicilor dentiști care doresc să se specializeze în endodonție, cursul său de referință fiind “Microscope Master”.
În prezent Dr. Ștefan Jitaru este lider de opinie national Dentsply Sirona și international pentru Neolix (Franța) iar în cadrul catedrei de Endodonţie a UMF Cluj-Napoca este cadru didactic asociat, coordonand stagii clinice de endodonție pentru studenți din anul patru de studiu. Activitatea să științifică s-a concretizat prin publicarea mai multor lucrări științifice care studiază temele sale de interes: utilizarea bioceramicilor pentru cazurile complicate de endodonție, aplicarea ergonomiei în endodontia la microscop.
Dr. Ştefan Jitaru își desfășoară practica clinică în cadrul rețelei de endodonție MB Dental din Cluj Napoca și Târgu Mureș în care oferă tratamente endodontice la microscop, atât pentru pacienţii proprii cât şi pentru cazurile dificile trimise de alţi colegi, medici stomatologi.